Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Print (28 Feb- 11 March)

Honestly, I only got into the swing of things doing print in the second week. So my first batch of prints look like a kid made them! I would have got a better mark if I spent more time in the print room. But, I enjoyed it! I just hated the lack of space, but I won't rant about it.

Graphics (7-25 feb)

I was really considering doing graphics at the start of the year, but found it difficult. But I guess it could have been a whole lot worse! The word I got was 'sold' which wasn't the easiest for me.

I loved making the video though! And spent all the 2nd week at it...

Painting (24 jan - 4 feb)

I was really happy with the way my paintings turned out! I thought I'd do a whole lot worse, with the 2 weeks being so intense..

Shaking the cobwebs off

Apologies for the lack of posts since January! 
I should really have been keeping this up to date doing the 2 week projects! I was kept busy non-stop. So I'm just going to post a little example of my works from each of the electives in 3 separate posts on the way :)